5 Highly Productive Reasons To Make Time For More Play

The Challenge: We find ourselves too busy to have fun (after all, it’s not productive, right?)The Science: Wrong! Making time for play will make you more creative, productive, happy, and connected!The Solution: Introducing more opportunities for idle play and games is a GREAT idea! While animals continue to play their whole lives, adult humans often stop playing completely. […]

Want Long-Term Happiness? Make Sure You’re Looking In The Right Place!

The Challenge: We’re all looking for happiness – but why are we not happy?The Science: The secret to long-term fulfillment lies in seeking the right type of happiness.The Solution: Including eudaimonic happiness in our lives will ensure long-lasting well-being. What’s the best way to reach happiness? Many of us have no clue. In fact, we may not often experience happiness […]