4 Ways To Control Your Mood With Nothing But A Pen

The Challenge: We all want to feel good, but sometimes it’s a challenge.The Science: Grabbing a pen and writing may be the fastest and easiest way to do so!The Solution: Try these unique writing exercises to make a huge difference in your day. “I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is […]

How Jay-Z, Timberlake (& You!) Can Find The Holy Grail Of Happiness

The Challenge: Why are Jay-Z and Justin Timberlake dissatisfied despite their success?The Science: All the money and fame isn’t going to make you happy!The Solution: Find your Holy Grail of true, lasting happiness from these 3 sources. In one of the biggest hits of 2013, Justin Timberlake wails: “And baby, it’s amazing I’m in this maze with you. I […]

Want To Be As Happy As The Danes? Find 3 Ways Here!

The Challenge: We all want more happiness but are we limiting ourselves by looking for an American brand of happiness?The Science: Denmark has been voted as one of the happiest countries in the world for over forty years in a row. What’s their secret?The Solution: Find 3 tips for being happy like a Dane. Denmark, a small country […]

Want Long-Term Happiness? Make Sure You’re Looking In The Right Place!

The Challenge: We’re all looking for happiness – but why are we not happy?The Science: The secret to long-term fulfillment lies in seeking the right type of happiness.The Solution: Including eudaimonic happiness in our lives will ensure long-lasting well-being. What’s the best way to reach happiness? Many of us have no clue. In fact, we may not often experience happiness […]

40 Simple & Effective Tips To Find Joy Every Day

The Challenge: We get so busy we forget how to access joy.The Science: Research shows there are countless ways to make a difference in our days!The Solution: Here are 40 simple tips to help bring the bounce back in your step. Joy is what makes life beautiful. It’s what gets us through challenges and allows light to illuminate […]

5 Ways To Use Gratitude To Improve Your Attitude (And Health!)

The Challenge: Sometimes, we get stuck focusing on what’s wrong or what we’re missing, overlooking all that we do have that makes life great.The Science: Feelings of gratitude increase physical and mental well-being.The Solution: Boost your happiness and health by using these strategies to experience more gratitude in your daily life! In our fast-paced, competitive culture, we tend […]

How To Be Free From The Fire Of Desire

The Challenge: We’re caught in the fire of desire: food, sex, money…and we get caught in addiction.The Science: Desire is an incredibly powerful physiological phenomenon, yet it can also burn us out.The Solution: Follow 4 simple tips to enjoy desire and pleasure without getting caught in their frenzy! Why do we love the chase? What is so intriguingly […]

3 Reasons Why The Greatest Gift You Can Give Others…Is To Be Happy

The Challenge: We often feel like we don’t deserve to be happy or that being happy is selfish.The Science: Research shows that your happiness spreads to others and brings out the best in you.The Solution: Investing in your own fulfillment is one of the greatest gifts you can give to others! Happiness – it’s an inalienable right; it’s […]

4 Reasons To Stop Pursuing Happiness & What To Do Instead

The Challenge: In modern Western culture, there is a strong pressure to strive for happiness.The Science: While being happy might be good, striving to be happy is often counterproductive.The Solution: Here’s what you can do to cultivate long-lasting well-being. In a recent conference on Positive Psychology, Pharrell Williams’ song Happy seemed to be everywhere. He asked us to “clap along if you feel like […]